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George Hendee's 1914 dairy barn.
Fun Ways to Learn about Nature and
Exercise at Hilltop Farm
Who We Are
Hilltop Farm was built by Indian Motorcycle co-founder, George Hendee, starting in 1913, as a gentleman’s retirement farm.
Today, The Friends of the Farm at Hilltop (FOFAH), our nonprofit, owns 11 acres where the “Big White Barn”, outbuildings and former Stroh house sit. We lease 60 adjacent, conservation acres from the Town of Suffield through a long-term agreement.
We’ve been renovating the buildings and maintaining the property since 2003.
Our mission is to:
Maintain a fun, recreational destination for your entire family to enjoy
Bring this historic farm back to life with crops, animals, conservation areas and hands-on learning opportunities
Hilltop Farm is open every day, year-round.
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